Bucher Aura Coach Logo

Your power tool for representing and harmonizing the chakras

Fields of application

The Bucher Aura Coach can be used for various applications:

Bucher Aura Coach Basic

If a measurement is carried out with the setting "Basic", the detailed evaluation is not used. "Basic" is included in every Aura program as a basic setting.

Bucher Aura Coach Basic

Bucher Aura Coach Human

Aurafotography for people. It can be used with or without healing stone information.

Bucher Aura Coach Human

Bucher Aura Coach Fauna

The category Aura Fauna covers the area of Aurafotography for animals. It does not matter whether it is wild animals, pets or animals in agriculture.

Bucher Aura Coach Fauna

Bucher Aura Coach Horse

The category Aura Horse is used for the detailed evaluation of horses. The underlying database contains all important blockages, diseases or problems with horses.

Bucher Aura Coach Fauna

Bucher Aura Coach Place

The category Aura Place is suitable for creating an aura photo of buildings and places. Also in buildings e.g. it is useful to carry out a harmonization (consignment) so that the inhabitants are not burdened and can fully develop through the harmonious environment.

Bucher Aura Coach Place

Bucher Aura Coach Business

The categpry Aura Business is mainly used to identify weaknesses in companies and to solve blockages. Problems such as bullying at the workplace or problems between employees and management can be resolved and harmonized (all pull together).

Bucher Aura Coach Business